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Asian Business Management

Bachelor Seminar: WP 24 - Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft Japans II

Course instructors: N.N. | LSF page

Course Overview

This module looks at management in the world's most dynamic and significant region – East Asia. We explore what it means to do business in key economies of Asia. Selected frameworks will help us analyze market environments and international management challenges for managers and entrepreneurs alike.

Course Goals and Organization

The course will enable students to acquire a high-level overview of management in major East-Asian economies. Students will develop a basic understanding of the practical differences of doing business in East-Asia from the ”Western” perspective and become familiar with the role frameworks can play in a structured analysis of business problem settings. The course aims to strengthen academic writing and presentation skills through individual assignments.

Examination requirements BA Business Administration: Seminar paper 22,200 characters and a 15-minute presentation (50% towards your final grade each)

BA Japanese Studies: Seminar paper 16,200-19,800 characters and a 20-minute presentation (50% towards your final grade each)

Credits BA Business Administration: 6 ECTS
BA Japanese Studies: 3 ECTS


To apply, please refer to the course's LSF page and register during the registration period. Results will be announced via your campus email address. All course applications must be made through the LSF and within the application timeframe (incl. exchange students).

Further information

Further information can be found on the course's LSF entry. If you require additional details, please contact Jane Sarah Khanizadeh at