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Introduction to the Japanese Economy

Bachelor Lecture & Tutorial - WP 23 Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft Japans I

Course instructor: N.N. | LSF page

Course Overview

Japan remains one of the most powerful and dynamic economies of the world. The country’s economic catch-up and over-taking in key industries –within an exceptionally short period of time the Japanese economy managed to bridge the gap between ‘an almost developing’ country to a leading industrialized nation – has evoked a wide spectrum of reactions: Awe, assumptions of conspiracy or even economic warfare. Regardless of the juxtaposing notions of ‘learning from Japan’ or ‘confronting Japan’, the common denominator is the need to understand the Japanese economy and business environment. In the wake of the collapse of the speculative financial bubble, Japan has witnessed the longest recession period in the post-war era. "The lost decade" has replaced the ‘Japan as No1’ syndrome and until recently, the image has been that of a tumbling giant rather than that of vibrant economy. The Japanese economy is, however, on its way to recover. Economic indicators suggest nothing less than successful reforms and revival. Amid rapid internationalization and the prognosticated advent of a new global system, the Japanese economy once more underlines its flexibility to adjust to new challenges. It is the juncture of continuity and change of the economic system on which this module is focusing. Knowledge about Japan is essential to make informed corporate decisions.

For students majoring in business administration (PO 2015 only), participation in the associated tutorial is required.

Course Goals and Organization

This module equips students with a comprehensive introduction of the Japanese economy. Students will be able to understand and evaluate theoretical and empirical studies in this field. They will not only learn about Japan’s role in the global economy and about Japan’s key industries and companies, but will also be exposed to well-established concepts and theories of business management and will learn to understand and apply them to the Japanese context. The module covers important functions of management such as intercultural differences, managing international business activities, consumer behavior, marketing, and human resource management. The module ‘WP 23.1 Introduction to the Japanese Economy’ is complemented with case studies in the context of Japan (WP 23.2 Introduction to the Japanese Economy), which will be analyzed, evaluated and discussed (mandatory for management students).

Examination requirements BA Business Administration (PO 2015): Exam, 120 minutes

BA Japanese Studies & BA Business Administration (PO 2008): Exam, 60 minutes

Credits BA Business Administration (PO 2015): 6 ECTS

BA Japanese Studies & BA Business Administration (PO 2008): 3 ECTS


To apply, please refer to the course's LSF page and register during the registration period. Results will be announced via your campus email address. All course applications must be made through the LSF and within the application timeframe (incl. exchange students).

Further information

Further information can be found on the course's LSF entry. If you require additional details, please contact Jane Sarah Khanizadeh at